Dear BFF
We hope you are settling into 2023 with a sense of hope, contentment, and promise. These crisp winter days provide the opportunity to reflect, reset and cast our intentions into the world. A time to think about what matters most in our lives and what we can do to make things better. We believe that practicing the Danish concept of Hygge [Hoo-ga] enriches each day- especially during the cold months this season.
Hygge embodies what we believe in at Bloomfields- the importance of creating coziness and a comfortable conviviality that brings a sense of well-being, happiness, and connection. It involves building a sanctuary and a community, inviting closeness and paying attention to what makes us feel open-hearted and alive. It encourages creating spaces that foster well-being, connection, and warmth. It is a feeling of belonging to the moment and each other, and celebrating the everyday.
In living the "hygge" way, there is mindfulness and care in all we choose to be a part of. There are many simple acts that bring hygge into our lives to enjoy all the small pleasures of life. These include reading a good book while wrapped in a blanket; sitting at a crackling fire with cherished friends and loved ones; holding hands; being entranced by candlelight; savoring good food and good times; winter walks through the woods; or surrounding yourself with meaningful items that convey joy. And our favourite (of course), beautiful flowers and plants that add instant warmth to our homes and make us happy... : )
“Just living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen
Wishing you happy pursuits in 2023 and hope to see you soon!
All good things,
Virginia, Jamie, and our entire Bloomfields family